
Sagramor's Quest Log - Plans for Future Content

As mentioned in my previous post, I am picking up this project with some new ideas in mind. Most of these ideas are pretty much set in stone, and so I thought it would be best to lay out as many cards on the table as I can for now. The general trajectory has sort of been defined - circling around music, book reviews and Vampire: The Masquerade themed content - but I really wanted to break down my plans a step further, just as a reference for both you and me. Music: While I am certainly passionate about music, I have little experience with music production and DAW's. (I have always been more of a "bathroom singer.") Still, I will try to make the music sound as professional as I can, with the resources I have. I plan to release at least two songs per month - one cover song and one original song, written by none other than yours truly. You are more than welcome to recommend songs that you'd like me to cover! Book Reviews: All in all, I think it is a good idea for m

The Long Night Is Over

It has been nearly a year without any activity, not even so much as a whisper. After all this time, I have only myself to blame. Each day that I did not post something here feels like a wasted opportunity now. It was not that I didn’t want to post as much as that I didn’t know what I wanted to post about. I felt like a vessel adrift, without a course to follow or sense of direction. I had to sit down and ponder carefully what I wanted to do exactly from this moment onward. Should I continue with this project? And if I do, what needs to be done and what needs to change? It’s now April 2019 and yes, I’m going to continue working on this seemingly short-lived project. The “Long Night” is over; Sagramor is back in business for good and I have some cool ideas to share with the world. In short, I’ll still be coming out with book reviews and encouraging posts, because we all need to receive some love in our lives (and you can’t spell “Sagramor” without “amor”). But what I really w

BOOK REVIEW - Plato's ''Apology'' and ''Crito''

Alright, let's make things clear from the get-go: I am NOT an intellectual. I have next to no formal education in philosophy. I do, however, enjoy reading the sort of literature that challenges my understanding of things and my ability to think critically (in the rare occasion that I can do such type of thinking). That being said, I thought the best way to kick off my series of book reviews is by addressing two major Socratic dialogues I just finished reading: the Apology of Socrates and Crito , as the latter follows the former. Again, I'm not a scholar nor anything of the sort. Learned men and students of philosophy would perhaps focus on some underlying concept pertaining to the study of philosophy - like the allusions made to the Socratic paradox (i.e. "I know that I know nothing") throughout the Apology - yet I am more concerned about the dialogues' narrative and the lessons we can draw from it. Now, you've probably heard of Socrates as this massiv

Hello World! (for real tho)

"Where your talents and the needs of this world cross; there lies your vocation." - Aristotle A remarkable quote, yeah? It's what has prompted me to start this blog, really - this realization that my talents (or lack thereof) can be of use to someone other than me. Not that I consider myself a legit artist or a talented writer (God forbid!). No, no, I just feel there are things I need to share with the world. Things I'm passionate about, you know? Oh, but where are my manners, now? My name - well, you don't need to know my REAL name; if you do actually know it, go ahead and pat yourself in the back for it, because you clearly deserve it... I guess. But you can always call me Sagramor (pronounced "suh-gruh-mawr"). It's short and sweet and simply... Sagramor. Ahem. You're still with me, I hope? Good! As it happens, I'm a bit of a "jack-of-all-trades, master of none" type of guy. I love music, writing, reading, and making all

Hello World!

"The wisest men follow their own direction." - Euripedes  That's how you kick out a new blog, innit? Anyway, I'm still testing this thing, so just carry on ;)